Critical Travel Choices

Critical Travel Choices are the decisions that you have to make since you have a large number of travel options to consider. This starts with some basic choices, like:

Where do I want to go?
How long do I want to go?
When do I want to go?
How do I want to get there?
Where do I want to stay?
What do I want to do when I am there?
For the tight budget traveler, Cos strongly recommends you check out our Budget Strategies Post. Actually, it is not a bad idea to go for everyone reading this post. In any case, please spend some time thinking about your travel choices, and don’t just book the first thing you see. Expedia, Travelocity and Priceline are all great tools to help you check out your options.

Critical travel Choices and Transportation options are many. Let’s say you simply want to get from Point A to Point B, one way. Well, depending on where those points are located here are you options: Airplanes, Trains, Ferries or Water Taxis, Rental Cars, Cruises, Limos, Taxis, Ride- Sharing and Pubic Transit, and if Point A and B are really close together, you might even try walking.

Okay, let’s say your travel is still on solid ground, but more local. Depending on the distance to travel, the local area and what you want to do, you now have additional options such as renting a car, limos, taxis, ride-share, public transit, and yes even walking. For us, the location where we are visitng will help reduce the options.