
Thirteen Reasons Albania is Worth Visiting

You ask, is Albania worth visiting? If you are looking for expensive, luxurious hotels to stay, well Albania may not be your first choice to visit. Obviously, Paris, London, Rome and New York City will rank higher. But, surprisingly, we can recommend why you should visit Albania. In fact, here are the top 13 reasons that come to mind. We also want to tell you about our travels through Albania. Moreover, if your are like Robin and me, and you want some adventure in your travels, then we highly recommend traveling to Albania.

Why We Decided to Visit Albania

We got interested in visiting Albania based on two events in our life. The first, was a famous episode of the American TV Comedy Series Cheers, which both Robin and I are fans of. The episode, which you Cheers fans will certainly remember, was when Coach needed to teach Sam how to remember geography. He essentially created a song about Albania which we still remember to this day. The second event was in 2022 when we were on a cruise, by-passing the Albania Riviera and we said to ourselves: “we need to go there someday; this has got to be a great place to visit”.

Our Wonderful Visit to Albania in 2024 proved that Albania is Worth Visiting

So, we visited Albania in 2024 as part of our month long tour thru the Balkans. We started the tour in Athens, Greece, and entered Albania after visiting Medeora and Ioannina in, Greece. The first City we visited was Gjirokastra, quickly followed by Berat. Ioannina has strong historical ties to Albania, and like Albania, demonstrates its Ottoman history. Gjirokastra and Berat were amazing, as both are UNESCO World Heritage Cities. We visited the capital city, Tirana, and ended our time in Albania, by visiting Shkoder.

Is Albania Worth Visiting – First a Word of Caution

Before we provide the 13 main reasons for visiting Albania, let us give you a word of caution. Albania may not be for everyone. In addition to the lack of 5-star hotels across the country (there are a few in Tirana, the Capital of Albania), other challenges include a lack of public transport. Also, the towns and countryside have a very sloppy look as there are many unfinished buildings. This is the result of the government stopping all unauthorized building which rapidly occurred after the end of communism. They are still figuring out a way to restart this development. Lastly, in most of the Balkans, including Albania, smokers still make up a large segment of the population. Don’t be surprised if someone is smoking next to you in a restaurant, especially if you are sitting outdoors.

Why Albania is Worth Visiting – 13 Reasons

Albania, one of Europe’s last hidden gems, offers a delightful blend of natural beauty, rich history, and warm hospitality. Here are  our 13 best reasons to visit Albania:

1. Unspoiled Coastline

The Albanian Coast on the Ionian Sea has some of the most beautiful beaches in the Balkans. The sandy beaches offer a more relaxed. less expensive place to stay than in many other European Countries. Better known as the Albanian Riviera, cities like Sarandë offer a great place to enjoy the beach scene. From Sarandë you can even take a day trip over to the Greek Island of Corfu. A great place to visit near Sarandë is the “Blue Eye”. The “Blue Eye” is a water spring and natural phenomenon occurring in the village of Muzinë in Finiq municipality, in the South of Albania.

Is Albania Worth Visiting Overlooking Sarande

2. Backpacking & Mountain Trekking

The natural beauty of the Albanian Alps make backpacking and mountain trekking a great way to see this beautiful country. While Albania is a very mountainous country, the largest mountain range is the Albanian Alps in the north, bordering Montenegro and Kosovo. Mount Korab is the highest peak in Albania at 9066 feet.

3. Wild River National Park

A place to explore, discover, and unwind, Vjosa Wild River National Park is vast and a great place to visit. The park offers its visitors beautiful canyons, braided river sections, and meandering stretches. The massive network of the Vjosa river system with more than 400 km of waterways invite you to discover one of the last wild rivers in Europe. We didn’t get to visit the park, but we did see the wild Vjosa River just north of Gjirokastra

4. Culture

One of the best things about Albania is the culture. Having experienced wars, a strict communist era during the communist regime, and years of Ottoman Rule, the culture today has a peaceful, friendly nature. The Albanian people love the United States, especially since we helped with the fall of communism and first established Albania as an independent country after WWI. Albanian culture also spreads into neighboring countries with Albanians living in Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro.

5. Cuisine

Albania has delicious food. Albanian food is a blend of many different cultures which makes it highly unique. The turkish influence in the coffee is particularly noted. Tavë kosi (“soured milk casserole”) is the favorite native food and is particularly tasty. Burek and Baklaval are also a good reason to try the local cuisine. Here is Cos enjoying some of the great fish alternatives. Surprisingly this amazing seafood tower only cost $50.

Cos and a seafood tower

6. History

Albania has a rich history. Albania was proclaimed independent after almost five centuries of Ottoman Empire rule on 28 November 1912. However, Albania’s history as an independent country was soon threatened. During most of Second World War Albania was invaded by Italian and German forces. After World War II, Albania became a Stalinist state and remained isolationist until its transition to democracy after 1990. Today, in recent years, Albanians enjoy their freedom and appreciate all that America and Western Europe has done to help them maintain their freedom.

7. Lakes and Boat Rides

Albania’s two largest lakes, Lake Ohrid in the east and Lake Shkoder in the north, form boundaries between North Macedonia and Montenegro, respectively. Lake Ohrid was very rough the day we were there, but we got some great pictures.

Is Albania Worth Visiting Lake Ohrid and the Restaurant we ate at

While in the city of Shkoder we took a two-hour boat ride on the lake and had a great time. A family of ten friendly locals joined us on the boat and we all had the best time singing and dancing.

8. Landscapes

Just about anywhere in Albania, you can look out and get a great panoramic view of mountains, streams, rivers and lakes. The natural beauty is spectacular. This alone is a good reason for visiting.

9. Safety

After the end of communism in the 1990’s there was a lot of crime in Albania; there was the war in nearby Kosovo and other parts of the Balkans. Like much of the Balkans, many of the ethnic and religious differences that contributed to the war do exist in Albania. However, Albania, has done much to achieve a strong peace and equality among all the people.

Religion which was banned during the Communist era, has made a strong comeback. However, Albania practices Freedom of Religion and is a secular nation. The Muslim majority practices a moderate form of Islam and we saw veryfew wearing habibs or even head scarfs.

The government has also done a lot to reduce corruption and crime. We did not observe any crime in our time there. Albania hopes to get an invitation to join the European Union. This has given the government a good reason to further make sure the crime and corruption rates stay low. For more information about crime in eastern Europe please see out post on this topic. You will be surprised that most of Eastern Europe, including Albania, is actually safer than Western Europe and even the United States.

10. Family Owned Businesses

Many of the places you will stay as you travel around Albania, will be smaller hotels and bed and breakfasts. Unlike in more develped countires, these places, as well as most restaurants, are generally all owned by local families. If you stay at these places you will meet the family and learn a lot about the Albanian culture.

11. Nightlife

If nightlife is important, than we suggest your visit Tirana. The day we were there they were literally dancing in the streets. The city has plenty of nightlife and also very good restaurants.

12. Hospitality

Most Albanians that you meet are fluent in English as well as the Albanian language. Thus, we never felt that there was a language barrier. English appears to be a requirement if Albanians wish to work in the tourist business. As a result, you will be treated with great hospitality. And even the people who are not so fluent in English will make you feel right at home. We did meet one winery owner who was not fluid in English, but our tour guide was able to translate. That was magnificent, because it turned out to be one of our best wine tasting visits ever. In fact, I am drinking his wine as I write this post.

13. Last But Not Least Why Albania is Worth Visiting: Very Inexpensive

For those of you who are budget conscious, simply put, visiting Albania is worth visiting because it is a great value. Hotels, Restaurants and Tours are all about half the price that you will find in other parts of Europe. You should be able to cut your travel budget at least in half.

Places We Visited

During our 14-day journey through the Balkans in May of 2024, we criss-crossed most of the country. During this tour we visited the best places in Albania including the major cities of Tirana, the Capital of Albania, Gjirokaster, Sarande, Berat, Lake Ohrid, and Shkoder. We also did cross-boarder visits to North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and from Montenegro we visited Bosnia & Herzegovina. Here is our view of the different places we visited.

Is Tirana Worth Visiting?

As the Capital of Albania, Tirana, is the biggest and most developed city in Albania. Surprisingly, It feels pretty much like any other decent sized city in Europe. We were truly surprised with its sophistication as it greatly exceeded our expectations. If you are interested please check out TripAdvisor.

Here Are Some Great Reasons for Visiting Tirana:

  1. Museums and Art Galleries: Explore Tirana, the lively capital, with its cool museums and art galleries. Visit Bunk’Art, a covert bunker turned museum, and learn about Albania’s history.
  2. Delicious Food: Indulge in Albanian cuisine—byrek, pita, yogurt sauce, olives, and cheese. Try street food or dine in restaurants like Padam, Mullixhiu, and Oda in Tirana.
  3. Coffee Culture: Sip coffee in Tirana’s cafés—it’s a way of life! Head to Blloku, the coolest neighborhood, for the prettiest cafés and outdoor bars. You can even meet famous people in the cafes. Below is a picture of Robin with one of Albania’s most famous actors.
  4. Nightlife: Tirana has a very active nightlife scene. On the night we visited Salt, the entire street was closed for a fun evening of music and food/drink.

One of our favorite places to visit in Tirana is the Komiteti Museum and Bar. It is a unique establishment that serves as both a museum and a bar. Albanian heritage is evident in every aspect of Komiteti, making it more than just a bar, but a cultural experience. The word Komiteti has historical meaning to Albanians as it is related to the Communist era. The bar is not suggesting that Albania should go back to Communism, but as a museum it is simply a way to recall part of Albania’s history. While there we met the charming former Albanian Ambassador to Cuba and to Mexico.

While these are great reasons for visiting Tirana and the other key cities in Albania, what was most memorable to us were the people. Here are some pictures of some of the friendly people we met from the friendly, smiling women selling us byrek, an Albanian specialty breakfast ifood, or Robin meeting Reshat Arbana, very famous Albanian actor.

Outside Tirana, Stop off at Krujë; a Town Visited by George W. Bush

In addition to W’s visit to Krujë , Krujë is famous for Krujë Castle.  The Castle is believed to have been built around the 5th century, and it was the headquarters of Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg, Albania’s national hero. Kruja Castle stands proudly as a symbol of Albania’s resistance and strength during Ottoman rule, having witnessed a long and turbulent history. What’s interesting is that in the castle still remains the old clock tower, which was once rung to announce Skanderbeg’s death. The castle was turned into a museum exhibiting the life of Skanderbeg, putting forth all his achievements and periods of glory.

Why Gjirokastra, Albania is Worth Visiting?

As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, there is plenty of history in this town to take in. Gjirokastra, often referred to as the “Stone City,” is a must-visit destination in Albania for several compelling reasons:

  1. UNESCO World Heritage Site: Gjirokastra is recognized by UNESCO for its well-preserved Ottoman architecture and historical significance.
  2. Ethnographic Museum: Located on the site of the former dictator Enver Hoxha’s home, it showcases traditional life in the 19th century with folk costumes, furniture, and cultural artifacts.
  3. Gjirokastra Castle: This is one of the largest castles in Albania, offering a rich history and a military museum with artifacts, including a U.S. Air Force plane from WWII.
  4. The Old Bazaar: A charming area with boutiques for souvenirs, traditional cafés, and beautiful Ottoman-era houses.
  5. Traditional Cuisine: Enjoy local dishes like byrek and other tasty pies, which reflect the town’s culinary heritage.
  6. Preserved Houses: In addition to the Enver Hoxha home, there are beautifully preserved traditional tower houses with twin towers and double-arched façades.
  7. Architecture: The town features outstanding Ottoman-era houses and significant religious sites, including an 18th-century mosque and two churches.
  8. Cold War Tunnel: An underground bunker from the 1960s, offering a glimpse into the town’s more recent history.
  9. Local Traditions and Crafts: Experience the vibrant local traditions and purchase handmade crafts like carpets and rugs.
  10. Scenic Beauty: The town is set against the backdrop of the Drinos valley and surrounded by mountains, offering stunning views and a serene atmosphere.

Best Luxury Hotels in Gjirokastra, Albania

Gjirokastra is a wonderful hillside city in the southern Albania and a great place to visit. The Gjirokastra Castle is impressive, especially at night.

There is one luxury hotel in Gjirokastra. It is the Kerculla Resort, five-star hotel, where you can stay for $159 a night. It is located at the top of the town, literally about 1000 feet above old town, straight up. We had dinner there one night. Great views.

However, we stayed at the Hotel Argyropolis, a five-star boutique hotel according to TripAdvisor. As a bed and breakfast, it is less than half the price of the uptown resort. We loved it, great value and walking distance to the Bazaar which is the center of town. We were charmed by Tatiana, a wonderful, warm lady who makes beautiful breakfasts and ensures you are 100% happy. If interested please book through Trip Advisor.

Start saving your ideas

Both hotels offer spectacular mountain views. There is free private parking, but not a lot of free parking spaces. Okay, maybe we got the best room in the hotel because we complained to our tour guide about a bad experience we had in Meteora. Anyway, we had a king-sized bed, free wifi and the wonderful, included breakfast.

Visiting Gjirokastra provides a unique opportunity to step back in time and experience the rich tapestry of Albanian history and culture. Whether you’re a history buff, architecture enthusiast, or simply looking to explore a beautiful and historic town, Gjirokastra has something special to offer.

Visit Beret, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site

City of windows Berat

If you are interested in Ancient Ruins, we suggest you visit the “City of Windows”, as Beret is known. To be honest we never really got the “City of Windows” nickname, but we did love the city. Perhaps this picture will help.

Beret, like most places in Albania, is a hillside town. At the top of the city is an old castle which defended the city and its people for many years. It has many historic relics, including Byzantine era churches including one dedicated to Constantine and his Mother Helena. The icon below was most probably painted by the famous painter Onufri who was the most important painter of Orthodox icons in Albania. He founded a school of painting in Berat and is known for his intense color pink in icon painting that was never passed on and died with him..

Visit Shkoder, Albania: Robin’s Favorite City and Worth Visiting

The final place we visited on our tour thru Albania was Shkoder. Shkoder is in the northwestern part of Albania, and borders Montenegro. Lake Shkoder is literally the border to Montenegro. We loved Shkoder. It demonstrates well how all the different cultures live harmoniously together. The city has beautiful churches and mosques dedicated to the three primary religions in town: Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim.

like much of the Balkans Mask we purchased

Shkoder is more of a manufacturing city that we had seen in other parts of the country. The Venetian Mask Factory that we visited is famous. It makes many of the masks that are sold in Venice. We purchased this one, pictured to the left.

On our walkabout on our last morning, we noticed a girls basketball team, dribbling as they walked along towards us. Robin asked our guide if he could see if they’d let her have her picture taken with them, to which they readily agreed. Robin told them about her daughter being an excellent player when she was in school. However, we’re not at all sure that they didn’t think Robin was Caitlin Clark’s mother….

Stop off in Blinisht, Lezhë, on the Way to Shkoder

Before we arrived in Shkoder, we stopped at Mrizi i Zanave Agroturizëm, Albania’s most famous and luxury farm stay. Mrizi i Zanave is located not far from the northern Albanian city of Shkodra. The unique architecture is a mix of traditional stone and modern glass, the food is exceptional and the garden is overflowing with fresh produce. Here are some of our favorite photos from the farm:

Visiting North Macedonia from Albania

Macedonia, or North Macedonia as the Greeks want this country to be called, borders Albania and is easily reached on the east side of Lake Ohrid. The trout fish shown below is indigenous to Lake Orhad. The waiter at this restaurant really knew how to debone a fish.

Unfortunately, we were only able to visit North Macedonia for a day, but we had a great time learning about the city of Ohrid and the Country of North Macedonia. We particularly enjoyed our visit to the National Park “Galičica” in the mountains on the eastern shore of Lake Ohrid. We also just loved the beauty of Lake Ohrid. The view from the Ohrid Castle was spectacular.

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